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Executive Buying Newsletter November 15, 2022

This week Executive Buying will start providing live updates. This means you will get updates from the Quantitative Analysis model twice a month. The model we use has been proven to work very well in the past. That however does not guarantee it will work well in the future. So please use this information as a place you may want to begin your due diligence process and please don't blindly follow, no matter how good the results are.

This week the model is adding Boeing Co (NYSE:BA). The closing price on November 15, 2022 was $175.35 per share.

In addition, the model has also added Ford Motor Co (NYSE: F). The closing price on November 15, 2022 was $14.30

Thank you for putting your trust and time into my ability to create a model that will hopefully add value to all of us. I've started this journey in 2000 as a Nasdaq Market Maker. I also worked as a Proprietary trader, Financial Advisor and currently I manage a hedge fund. I have learned many lessons throughout my career and still continue to learn to this day. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you via this newsletter.


Dominick Manaro


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